Blog Archive

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Stay Present

"Fed up with your routine? Annoyed with your partner's habits? Suddenly realised you've gained a stone and become really unsociable?" 

Oh god. It's all happened again. I so easily forget to stay present, and things slip quickly and dramatically out of control. My life needs an overhaul.  

Currently taking a few days off work as I've sprained my ankle, and I find myself sitting here again at my computer, looking out of the window at the small patch of green - but now with additional daffodils. The leaves are still bimbling around in the cold wind. 

How can I keep things on an even keel? Is it really all just about "staying present"? I have found myself gravitating to my yoga books and reading about different types of spiritual practice.  What is my subconscious telling me? 

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”  Buddha 

I am feeling like I need a huge cleanse. I need to look at all areas of my life and assess it all. Clear out the unused, the worn out, the old and make way for the fresh and the new. 

Tolle explains how people can condition themselves to slow down and appreciate the present. It all begins with one question.  “Ask yourself, ‘Am I still breathing?’" Tolle says. “You suddenly feel the air flowing into your body and out of your body... At that moment, you’ve entered the state of presence. Even if it’s only five seconds.”

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